Useful Boardgame Websites

Here is a collection of online resources that we often use when playing games, or trying to find the right games for our own collections. If we are missing anything that you find useful, if you have a website or are a content creator and want your page listed here contact us.

BoardGameGeek aka BGG or "The Geek"

Boardgamegeek or BGG for short is a dedicated board-game community site and has lots of community provided material from player-aids to variants for your favorite games. We will often link to content on the site because it is an amazing resource. It is our fist destination for rules question or general game content. Time to Play is a proud BoardGameGeek patron. 


Our Favorite YouTube Channels 

Feel like watching some reviews for a purchase you are considering? Seeing what different content creators are enjoying? Just want to enjoy watching some entertaining game play? Many of these channels have other media as well so we suggest if you like the content of a particular channel you check out their podcasts and blogs. We include many links to videos from these channels on our pages and support many on Patreon or directly since they provide such great content for the community at large.



Melbourne based channel with Maggie (Themer) and Amy (Thinker) they have differing tastes and provide a great perspective on many games. They post reviews and regular content  including board game play through videos small games (Small Talk) and crowdfunding short lists (Back Chat).

No Pun Included

Elaine and Efka present a very measured perspective on games. They have excellent production and often consider things beyond the normal scope of most channels. NPI posts regular in depth reviews, although their tastes tend to run a little on the heavier side they have some great very well put together content. Here are some of their more unusual videos:
Space | Board Game Biographies - Episode Zero
The Industrial Revolution | Board Game Biographies - Episode One
Colonialism - The Board Game Struggle
Why We Like Combos (and Other Deck-Building Stories)

Shut Up & Sit Down

The "SU&SD Crew" - Quinns, Matt, Ava, and Tom present regular reviews (weekly?) and also have started providing preview content through AWE SHUX. Personally I find them a bit of an infectious good time.

The Dice Tower

I am not sure any other channel can compete with The Dice Tower for sheer quantity of content. They have a reviews for a truly staggering number of games. They also put out a lot of supporting content, previews, news and top 10 lists.

Rhado Runs Through

Rhado or Richard Ham has another long running channel that has countless videos that show, rather than tell, what a game really feels like to play. Everything follows a standard format that is easy to follow and will give you a quick understanding of a game to help you get it to the table.

Watch It Played

Rodney Smith's Watch It Played focus's on the teach with a variety of content creators contributing to the channel they have a huge variety of video teaching games and lots of other content.

Before You Play

Monique and Naveen's channel focuses on full board game playthroughs and reviews from a 2-player perspective. They do a short teach, followed by a quick play through and end with some thoughts. 

Good Time Society

Good Times Society is a great channel focused on board game tutorials and playthroughs. They also have a lot of other content including tabletop roleplaying live shows. 

Gaming Rules!

Gaming Rules! is a channel that brings you Board Game How-to-Play videos, reviews and other things.

No Rolls Barred

Focused on gameplay videos at their local board games club the diverse crew from No Rolls Barred pull together a strange mix that is incredibly entertaining. I highly recommend their Blood on the Clocktower play through videos.

Other Websites:

Space Biff - Board Game Reviews by Dan Thurot
Shut Up and Sit Down
No Pun Included